What Good Does It Do to Have a Vehicle If You Can`t Afford to Go Anywhere If you or anyone you know drives a car, you`ll want to check this out
Released on = June 28, 2006, 7:01 pm
Press Release Author = 4-E Corp
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = As we all daily watch gas prices go UP...UP...UP, we are all frantically looking for ways to save when filling our tanks. Why drive across town to save pennies on a tank of gas when this 10 year old product will do just that ... and it\'s now available to the individual consumers worldwide.
Press Release Body = The product is called \"Ethos Fuel Reformulator\" or \"Ethos FR\" and has millions of miles of road tests by commercial fleets. These fleets (on average) have increased their miles per gallon between 7-19% and reduced harmful tail-pipe emissions by more than 30%. That translates into 25 to 50 cents per gallon in savings or potentially hundreds of dollars every year. So ... bottom line ... this product offers a cost-effective solution to relieve skyrocketing fuel prices and lets us spend less time (and money) at the gas pumps. WOW ... Wouldn\'t it be great to not only save yourself the cost of fuel, but also to help your friends, family and everyone you know save on their fuel costs as well. We are all guilty of driving to the gas station that has the best price in town (even if not the closest station) ... so ... all we have to do is share the product and information about the product with others. Many ... many ... people daily are looking for an opportunity to earn money while working from home. Parents all over the world, every day have to leave their homes and children and go a JOB just to help with the routine household expenses required to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This gives Moms and/or Dads the potential to supplement and even replace their incomes by working from home ... plus the opportunity to live the American Dream of working from home and having their own business. Just think ... Be Your Own Boss, Set Your Own Hours, Take Vacation When Want, Get Paid What You\'re Worth ... all possible and all you do is share information about a product that everyone needs and wants. Just wait to see how many people at the gas pumps come up to you and ask \"What are you putting in your tank?\". Can\'t get any easier than that. To get details ... view the 17 minute video at this website: http://www.PumpGas2Save.com Web Site = http://www.PumpGas2Save.com
Contact Details = Vicki Williams 727 NE 46th Terrace Topeka , 66617 $$country
785-246-1144 vw1144@prodigy.net http://www.PumpGas2Save.com
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